Post 2: How good is your memory?

Image result for memory cartoon

Hey guys!
I took a few memory tests this week and overall, I've discovered that my memory is pretty average?
The tests were fun to take, and I'll definitely be taking more in the future to see if my memorizing ability changes!

Number Memory Test
This test started with testing if you were able to recall one number, and went up from there.
I was pretty satisfied with my results, as I was able to remember 11 digits. However, I think that these results can easily vary based on certain factors, like if the numbers were in an easily identifiable pattern, or if they followed a sequence of some sort. Because of this, I think the results aren't as accurate as they could be.

Everyday Object Memory Test
This memory test tested whether or not you could remember what a penny looked like (i.e. what side Abe Lincoln was facing, and where the writing on it was). I surprisingly got everything right except for what side Abe was facing. I think I probably would have done better if I looked at coins more often??? I usually pay for things with cash and never hand anyone coins LOL, so I don't know if this accurately described how good I am at memorizing details of "everyday objects." Also, they gave us results only based on this one object, so I feel like it could have been more accurate if we were given more objects to be tested on.

Short Term Memory Test- Pictures
I initially took this test thinking it was going to be super easy. We were given 20 pictures to memorize in 30 seconds and then told to write down every picture we could remember at the end of it. I only was able to memorize 11! Usually, I remember things that I can picture in my mind, and I'm a pretty visual learner, so these results were surprising. However, I do think that this test was an accurate and fair measure of visual memory.

Did you know that just 10 minutes of exercise can help improve your memory?
Read more about it here!


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