Post 4: My Life Story

Age 0-5:
So just a disclaimer, this is probably going to be really boring so just bear with me.  Obviously, I don’t really remember much about these years but here I go!! I was born on February 4th, 2003 (aka the worst day of my brother’s life) here in Houston, Texas. I started talking later that year around August, and started walking a year later. I began preschool in January of 2007, and began kindergarten at Dulles Elementary in August! 

Age 11-14:
oh god. middle school. thus began some of the best/worst years of my life :) I went to quail valley middle school for all three years and made some of my best friends there! (we're not gonna get into the actual school part bc that’s another story lol)

Age 14-16:
I started high school in August of 2017. Freshman year altogether was kind of a blur and nothing special really happened if i’m being honest LOL. That summer though, I went to Belize with my family and had a great time! Overall, pretty solid year. Sophomore year so far has been kind of a struggle but at least it's almost over :)

My Future Plans: (not tentative)
- I plan to graduate high school summer of 2021!
- Not completely set yet, but I'm planning to go to either UT Austin or University of Houston to study something medical related?
- I want to get married uhhh, idk when or who LOL preferably when I'm around 24-30? Probably also have my wedding here 
- I plan to have 2 kids, a boy and a girl. Boy's name: I like Isaac and Gabriel, Girl's name: Maya or Amelia???
- I want to be a therapist, speech therapy, physical therapy, something of that nature
- I'll probably retire around 60-70
- After I retire, I just want to spend time with my family, relax, and travel!
- I might die around like 80-90, possibly earlier if I continue to just like not sleep :)

Since I have to link something, here's a link to my fav :)))


  1. Ooooh! Cute pics :) Also I endorse that sleep is very important XD


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