Post 6: Personality Tests

Hey guys! This week I took a few personality tests and it was pretty cool.

Culture Fair IQ Test:
This test I thought was a pretty neat way of testing spatial reasoning and logic. Basically what you had to do was solve a bunch of logic puzzles that involved pictures. The purpose of the test was to evaluate general intelligence using abstract relations and mathematical/spatial skills. My overall score was 115/82 percentile, and it said that those results indicated that I performed pretty well on this test. However, even though I was surprised at these results, I don't think it's that good of a measure of "IQ", as it didn't really cover much more than it should have. 10 puzzles don't measure your entire IQ...

Classical IQ Test:
After taking this IQ Test, I could already see that it was probably more accurate than the other one, as it covered all kinds of things and tested different types of reasoning. It said I scored higher than 52 percentile, which was kind of surprising. I thought I would do worse because it tested some mathematical reasoning, and math's not really my thing. One thing I thought was pretty interesting was how it had stats about every part of the test, what it tested, and how you performed. My results indicated that I did really well on the fluid intelligence portion (logic and spatial), and not so well on the crystal intelligence portion (number/data reasoning). I scored 87 percentile for fluid intelligence, with a score of 117. I think this test was pretty accurate, I knew my weaknesses going in and it showed on the test LOL

Religion Study Test:
I thought this test was pretty cool, and it was fairly accurate. It said out of a 7, I consider religion pretty important at a 5.7. This wasn't really that surprising, I've grown up in a family that considers religion to be very important and it was clear that this was a big influence on my results on this test. The questions were also straightforward and right to the point so it was easy to answer truthfully and accurately. Based on my results, I would say that this test was accurate, as it gave me the results that I knew it would going in initially.

Harry Potter House Test:
OK so I've taken a HP House test before, probably when I was like 10. Since then, I've considered myself a Ravenclaw, and retaking this test confirmed it yet again :) What I liked about this test was that it also showed you in what order the other houses were. So I had Ravenclaw, then Slytherin, then Hufflepuff, then Gryffindor (thank god hufflepuff didn't even stand a chance i don't think i would be able to live with myself if it did). Anyway, the description and characteristics of Ravenclaws accurately matched some of my personal attributes. Ravenclaw students are witty, creative, and intelligent. Overall, pretty accurate and I was relieved to know that my entire life ever since I was 10 was in fact, not a lie.

Jung Typology Test:
I thought this was an interesting method of testing personality. The results indicated that my type was ESFJ, which meant Extravert (3%), Sensing (6%), Feeling (12%), and Judging (6%). This meant that I had marginal or no preference of extraversion over intraversion, slight preference of sensing over intuition, slight preference of feeling over thinking, and slight preference of judging over perceiving. I thought this was super accurate, as I don't consider myself an introvert or an extrovert, it changes based on the situation, and this is what showed in my results as well. I also know myself to often let my feelings get the best of me and sometimes make snap decisions without thinking very much first.

Here's a link that discusses the validity of online IQ Tests...

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