Post 7: The Anything Blog

Hey guys!

So this week, I've decided that I'm going to talk about trauma and the role of psychology in helping patients recover from traumatic experiences. 

Trauma therapy is, as its name suggests, a form of counseling used to help people deal with traumatic psychological experiences. Psychological trauma can impact someone's life for many years after the event was experienced. It's not something that can be overcome easily or resolved on your own and often requires continuous therapeutic sessions to be dealt with. 

This topic actually has been a point of interest to me for a while now, and I think it's so necessary that we understand the importance of people who work with those that are going through low points in their lives because of something that's happened to them or someone they love. My cousin is about to get her master's degree in Clinical Social Work and Trauma Therapy in May. Three years ago, I didn't fully understand what exactly she did other than just helping people feel better. About a year ago, she started volunteering at a women's mental health facility downtown, and she got to experience the importance of what she was studying firsthand through counseling patients. Obviously, she couldn't share with me exactly what her patients told her, but nonetheless, she would talk about how her job made her feel in a way that I'd never seen her speak before. She continues to be so passionate about doing this kind of work and explains how no matter how long she's been working, she still can't believe the kinds of things that patients share with her every day. I would hear how sometimes, she would need to go to therapy herself because she was so distraught from listening to her patients. For me, it just instilled in me a new sense of admiration for her field of work. Before she had started working there, trauma was always something I had thought of as uncommon or rare, along with meeting people who have experienced some of the things they have. 
I am just SO unbelievably proud to be related to someone who has the courage and passion to do what she does, and I can't wait for her to get her degree in May :)

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Anyway, I thought this would be interesting to talk about this week, since she's one of the reasons I was drawn to taking this class in the first place.

If you want to learn more about trauma therapy, click here!


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